What Is Internal Branding And What Is It For?


You know that moment in a live concert when you notice the musicians winking at each other and suddenly improvising to a tune you knew? It is a moment of complicity, of rapport that spreads good vibes and enjoyment in abundance. With these gestures, they make the public aware of a unique moment, feel part of it and want to be a member of the group. Every company or brand (larger or smaller) should aspire to reach among its workers that atmosphere of the musicians during the concert, this is achieved through internal branding .

What is internal branding?

If branding is the creation and management of a brand, internal branding is the same but within the company, focused on the people who form it. By now it should be clear that the best ambassadors or prescribers of a brand are those who work for it.

Internal branding is much more than transmitting the values ​​of the brand to the workers so that they act as speakers. Of course they must know the company, be aware of what is happening in it and the plans, but it also implies giving them what they need to carry out their function correctly, teaching them everything they need, valuing them, listening to them and also giving them space so that they can solve problems or conflicts without feeling corseted.

Also Read: Employer Branding: Concept And Importance In Your Business

The internal public

A study discovered that messages on social media from workers have a 561% greater reach than those issued by the brand itself from its channels.

This data should not be an alert, but evidence that the internal public is more important than the external one . If those who make up the brand do not show that they are in tune with it, that they live in a good environment and are satisfied with what the brand does, what they will transmit will be negative messages or the lesser of evils, indifference.

The importance of the communication

The more people make up a brand, the more structured the information and the way of transmitting it must be. The times must be clear, prioritizing the internal public . One of the most selfish reasons to do so is that it can sell or transmit that message to users.

There are few things more unpleasant when going to an establishment, than having information that the workers do not know, generates a disastrous image. If something happens in the company, or in the brand, be it good or bad, the workers must be the first to know about it .

Internal branding objectives

However, the brand must maintain a balance in which external communication does not exaggerate or transmit messages that are impossible to materialize internally, that is, it must not create expectations that those who are part of the company know for sure are not met. they can meet.

Nor should you tell the news abroad before the internal public, because this will show the staff that they are secondary.

What are the benefits of internal branding?

Internal branding is all benefits:

  • Promotes a positive climate
  • Improve company results
  • Create a connection between the staff and the brand that ends in a feeling of belonging
  • It helps to retain and recruit qualified personnel
  • It transforms workers into credible opinion leaders, as long as they don’t fall for exaggeration in their opinions

Bet on internal branding. Make the workers the first recommenders of the brand, who feel proud of what they do and of being part of a plan with a future.

Also Read: Startup Branding: 5 Relevant Trends

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