In several years, when talking about the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Digital Transformation, the students of the future will perceive it as a brief period in which everything changed a lot and very quickly.
Those of us who are immersed in this change know that the process is far from immediate, but we are also aware that its progress is inexorable and that, to maintain the type, especially in the professional sphere, it is best not to get off the hook. This is why it is so important to understand how macro and microeconomic movements will impact the world of work and reshape future jobs.
Much of the change in the labour market is driven by technology, digitization, and recent, although still insufficient, reforms to the frameworks governing new labour relations and situations. This implies the appearance of new opportunities and professional profiles, as well as the disappearance of others. What is clear is that the most demanded professions today were not in the collective imagination of a few years ago. Well deserved have we refer to them as the ‘ Jobs of the Future ‘.
The technology has always been a decisive change agent, and the labour market is not immune to its influence. We have detected that the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Blockchain or robotics, are some of the technologies that hog the most at present. Its evolution has been exponential and, as expected, new technologies demand new professionals. You can learn more about Data Science by checking out ProjectPro Data Science Projects.
Those who want to progress in these areas must be resilient and willing to maintain a constant learning process. The evolution of these technologies is continuous, as must the own attitudinal capacities of those who decide to work with them.
Increasingly, profiles will be as competent as they are demanding. The worker who maintains a constant interest in being a qualified professional is also, by nature, more ambitious.
Therefore, it will demand greater participation in the decision-making of the company, transparency in its processes, a model that values ideas above the hierarchy and that, in addition to the fulfilment of the objectives, also ensures happiness and the well-being of its employees. These are some of the needs that the jobs of the future must be able to cover.
Two trends resulting from technology and digitization. The ‘fixed’ job we know, and which is still so ingrained in many work environments, will be less so due to globalization and digitization.
On the one hand, geographic mobility becomes essential, especially in multinational corporations, but also in startups that are born with the internationalization process set out in their roadmap. On the other hand, telework, driven by technologies and the digitization of processes, indicates that more and more companies are beginning to value productivity and efficiency above simple presenteeism.
In 2017, Capgemini and LinkedIn produced a report with the aim of analyzing the supply and demand for talent with specific digital skills. Many interesting data are reflected in it, but we wanted to highlight two:
50% of employees (about 60% if we talk about those classified as ‘digital’) invest their own money and time in learning and developing their digital skills.
Of the 10 digital profiles with the most future that are included in the report, 5 are directly related to the data.
The first point does nothing more than ratify the existence of the flexible and adaptable worker profile that never ceases to be formed, either out of necessity or pleasure. The second talks about the importance of data today. Data architects, data engineers, data scientists, data and cybersecurity, IoT and its close relationship with, indeed, data. From Big Data to Data Science.
Different gears of an imposing and complex machine that requires qualified professionals for its correct operation. An aspect that defines the typology of many of the jobs of the future that are so interesting to companies and professionals.
In fact, some of the professions considered more ‘sexy’ in the future (and also in the present), depend directly on data, one of the most valuable resources for companies in the 21st century. MIOTI students demand specific training in these fields aware of their importance.
Some of the jobs of the future that stand out for their importance, high valuation and growing demand are:
Responsible for designing and creating a virtual structure whose function is to store large volumes of data that cannot be managed in a conventional way due to the management and processing limitations of conventional software platforms. He is in direct contact with the client to design the systems tailored to his needs.
Professional trained to process and perform statistical data analysis. Your work enables you to discover how data can be used to draw conclusions and solve problems that arise in an organization. Among its tasks is the extraction, cleaning, analysis and visualization of the data.
They focus on mining large amounts of data, structured and unstructured, with the aim of identifying patterns. To accomplish their tasks they use a mix of programming, statistical skills, machine learning, and algorithms. They must also know and understand the business or industry in which they work.
They detect security flaws that can affect a company in the digital environment using tools and technologies designed to protect its assets. One of its main objectives is to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information. Years ago, only large corporations invested in this area, but it is common for small and medium-sized companies to do so as well. In companies that work with data, it is an essential part.
In Business Intelligence, the Customer Intelligence expert tries to take advantage of the information generated by customers and, based on this, help to understand how they react to the marketing of certain products or services.
All those professionals trained to lead and lead “smart” projects applied to the world of cities, health, home or industry, whose expertise will include understanding the complete cycle that goes from sensor hardware to software and platforms necessary to store and exploit the data.