The Benefits Of Online Management Software


Using the SaaS software model gives you the benefits of powerful software without the burden of the purchase option. You will not have to mobilize either the financial means or the appropriate equipment or the qualified human resources. Thus released from these constraints, you can concentrate more on your activity and develop it. Whether you need invoicing software, or a CRM, SaaS will cover your needs. We will define what a SaaS model is, present its advantages and see how to select the most suitable while controlling its budget.

SaaS software model, a combination of advantages for efficient management

Software as a Service (SaaS) or Software as a Service , is a software distribution model. It is based on the principle of subscription and not on purchase. Its opposite is the so-called on permise mode (purchase of license) . The supplier of SaaS software hosts it on its own server (on cloud) and makes it possible for the customer to use it via a simple connection. An identifier is required, it is provided following the subscription. This software distribution model offers multiple benefits to the customer:

  • Software acquisition cost is eliminated
  • Maintenance is the responsibility of the supplier and he regularly carries out updates and improvements
  • The mobilization of human resources to configure the software and update it is not required
  • The choice of specific services (functionalities) among the global offer is allowed by its scalability
  • Total control of the allocated budget thanks to the possibility of unsubscribing at any time and to the system of choice per unit
  • Flexibility in the organization of work is greater given the accessibility to the software at any time, without restriction of place or position
  • Ease of use is ensured by cloud storage
  • Data protection is a major issue for suppliers, and it is guaranteed by their know-how
  • These applications cover the basic management needs of companies : invoicing, customer relationship management, financial management and human resources management.

How to choose SaaS software and control your budget

The supply of SaaS software is abundant. The rule is that you have to be as close as possible to your needs and your budget to make the optimal choice.

The selection process takes place in several stages:

Define needs

Your experience in the daily management of your company will guide you in determining the gaps to be filled and the tasks that consume large amounts of resources.

Select features

Once your needs have been predetermined, study the software by analyzing in depth the functionalities that meet them. If you have already acquired satisfactory financial management software in the past, then it is useless to opt for this option. In the same vein, if your activity is concentrated on three large customers, do not invest in the invoicing software option.

Determine the budget

Your financial capacities limit your desires, a rule that also applies in business. Define the budget allocated to the SaaS subscription, and establish an order of priority for your selection of features.

Study the quality/price ratio for each feature

Your survey of vendors, as well as your testing of software will let you know which is better in which area and at what subscription price.

With all this data, all you have to do is cross-check them and choose the provider that best fits your budget and whose mix of features chosen will best meet your expectations.

Suppliers usually offer a free trial period , feel free to try it yourself and have your employees test it.

Your company evolves and develops according to your strategic plan, it is the same for SaaS software. It would be more prudent to take into account the time factor in your choice. A SaaS provider must be a long-term ally , they must have the technical capabilities, and perhaps the financial ones, that reassure you about their own development.

SaaS management software makes day-to-day management of your business easier. They support important functions for its handling, such as invoicing and CRM. Management via a SaaS equipped with this last feature is a guarantee for you to have a 360° vision of your customers.

Digitize your management, look to the future, opt for SaaS software and make it your ally, it will allow you to deploy your energy to the great benefit of your business.

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