Cloud And Cloud-Based ISO Management Systems & Advantages


The term cloud began to be used at the beginning of the Internet to refer to the network. The origin of this name is due to the fact that the flowcharts outlined a large white cloud that floated above all when you wanted to refer to the infrastructure that formed the server farms of Internet providers. Cloud and Cloud Based Iso Management Systems are all comes under Cloud Computing.

The term cloud was born from cloud computing, which already implies the existence of our own data and applications in that cloud to which we can connect to perform tasks that we previously had to do on our own local computers.

What is the cloud and how is the management of an ISO system in the cloud?

When we say that our data is in the cloud (cloud), or that we work in the cloud (cloud computing), what we really mean is that our data is stored somewhere on the Internet, and that there is a network of servers that find what we need when we need it and make it available to us.

Usually the terms cloud and cloud computing are used interchangeably to refer to the same, but if we want to be more exact, we should say that cloud is the Internet in general, while cloud computing is the set of products, applications, and services that work in the cloud and which we access through the Internet.

A quality management system in the cloud is a system in which both the application, such as documents, workflows and records are in the cloud and we access them by identifying ourselves through an Internet connection. This connection will be made from anywhere and through various devices, with no need to install anything on local computers.

In general, an ISO management system hosted in the cloud makes it easier for companies to work smarter and faster, and to be able to concentrate on the most important tasks, which directly impacts their results in a positive way.

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Cloud vs. On-Premise: Pros and Cons

Any company that is considering implementing a computerized system for the management of ISO, quality, environment, safety or others, should ensure that they understand well the difference between a system implanted in their own facilities (on-premise) and a cloud-hosted in Cloud.

Features Of An On-Premise ISO Management System

In an on-premise system, the application is installed and hosted in the company itself and is managed by the company. The administration and maintenance of the solution is carried out by specialists in their own facilities, and all the software is stored on the company’s own servers.

The amount of storage depends on the capacity of the server. The software has a unique cost that is generally calculated based on the number of users.

The economic effort is initially greater when having to incur acquisition costs and an annual fee for support and software updates is applied.

The biggest benefit of implementing an on-premise quality management computer system is that you always have control. You don’t need to trust anyone outside to keep the system running and you don’t depend on an Internet connection to access your system.

On the contrary, the main disadvantages of implementing an on-premise ISO management computer system are its high initial cost, the need for resources to maintain infrastructure, servers, software, etc. and the responsibility of having to back up data.

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Feature of an ISO Cloud Management System

With an ISO management system in the cloud offered through SaaS, (software as a service), the software, documents, and records are hosted by a provider and are accessed online by any system that is connected to the Internet.

Its cost is usually a monthly fee per number of users and includes both updates, support, and maintenance.

The biggest benefit of an ISO management hosted in the cloud is that it does not need computer resources to install, run or maintain the software. It does not involve large initial costs, access is possible from anywhere at any time and backups are made in the cloud automatically.

Another added advantage is that web-based architecture provides perfect scalability. This means that the system is flexible and can be expanded, or reduced, as companies grow or contract.

The main disadvantage is the dependence of the provider to keep the system running, so it is essential to choose a reliable provider that proves the correct treatment of the information and its recovery.

Advantages Of Cloud Document Management System

Productivity Increase

It is not always easy to increase productivity levels. Sometimes we find barriers that prevent us from knowing why. With the use of a document management system, it is possible to receive the support needed to achieve it. The reason is that we have an adequate way to organize files, measure productivity levels and analyze the performance of the company to know what are the possible results that can be reached.

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Better customer service thanks to a document management system

There is no doubt that keeping the customer satisfied is paramount in a business. In this sense we are going to benefit a lot from having access to a knowledge base as wide as that of this service that will allow customers to have access to all types of information, error solutions or documents. It is a good way to simplify the learning processes to satisfy the client .

Cost reduction

Financial obligations are a problem for any company that is starting, which leads to costs having to be reduced so that the business depends as little as possible on its financial perspective. It is best to eliminate paper , which can be a resource that represents a great expense over a year. Instead it is preferable to use the information transmission support of computer systems in which the management system ends up becoming a decisive step.

Time savings with a cloud document management system

In today’s companies everything has to be ready as soon as possible, without so much room for improvisation and even planning. If we fall behind we will have problems, but this can happen if we accumulate documents without ton or are, especially when it comes to finding a specific one. With this type of document management system, all this is simplified wherever we are since the process is much faster and more instantaneous.

High level of security with document management in the cloud

The most classic security problems remain an obstacle for companies, which when using paper become possible victims of theft by having in mind that one of these elements falls into the hands of someone unwanted. With the transition to a document management system, security improves every time we transfer a document to the cloud , since it will never be compromised again.

A great series of advantages

It is therefore found that the use of a cloud document management system can help any type of business to increase its performance and reach new levels of effectiveness . At present, in a paradigm in which companies seek to achieve their highest performance, it is essential to have in all cases the best allies that respond to the different needs they may have.

The implementation of this type of software results in the business being able to reduce costs, at the same time increasing the levels of security that it boasts and immediately purifying the management of space in the company. Thanks to this type of software, storage systems can be organized in such a way that everything is controlled and that there is no crack for the business. This, as we have said, results in the following improvements for all types of companies:

  • The production level increases.
  • The satisfaction provided to the customer will be greater.
  • The costs are reduced.
  • You have to invest less time in processes.
  • Security is reinforced.

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