My First Job: Keys To Face It


Have you just started your professional career ? Welcome to your new path! Our first job will probably come loaded with mixed feelings: illusion, fear, enthusiasm, fear… The management of those emotions , key to face a new incorporation.

Prudence and attention to detail must be the foundation of a positive first contact . In a moment of analysis by both parties, every detail matters, in order to continue generating that good image and perspective already started during the selection process . If not, we would not have reached that situation.

Tips for the first job


This implies many things such as, for example, being punctual. But we are not talking about punctuality as we know it. For a first day of work , being punctual means arriving between 5 and 15 minutes early. In some way we will be saying that we are very interested in starting this new stage. In addition, introducing ourselves to something beforehand will give us peace of mind by being able to analyze our new environment with more calm and time. It is important to take into account all the possible setbacks that may occur, so the time periods in these situations should be lengthened.

Take care of clothing

Another aspect to assess in relation to the first impression has to do with clothing. It is necessary to opt for correct garments for the position , that do not clash, but with which we feel comfortable and ourselves. First of all, we must understand or know the dress code of the organization, for which it is essential to ask or pay attention during the selection process. It is important to take into account and be aware that the selection process not only serves to get to know us, but that we are also getting to know different aspects of the company. Analyzing in detail beforehand can give us security and essential information for a good incorporation.

Always keep a positive attitude

With regard to the entire integration period, it is necessary to maintain a positive attitude and show all interest in being part of all that. As always, it is everything. We must adopt a humble and positive posture, with which we clearly show that we are at that moment to listen, learn and show ourselves to be proactive and decisive from minute one.

Although this humble and positive posture must be carried as a flag in the first professional moments, of learning and integration, in the social part that makes up the work environment, we must show ourselves in the same way, in addition to being determined and close. In order to establish new relationships, with coworkers or department, let’s take advantage of those moments to reveal our most friendly and safe side at the same time. And of course, we should not reject any invitation. It is time to start making contacts, and to situate ourselves.

Don’t be afraid to ask

Finally, it is important to make it clear that we will not know everything about the organization, the position and the tasks until months after joining. Therefore, asking and answering questions is something natural, and should be viewed positively. It does not show ignorance and lack of motivation, but rather interest and attitude towards work. And it is that, at the end of the day, what we were talking about at the beginning, enjoying work has a lot to do with it. The management of all these emotions and situations is done in a more effective and positive way from a position of enjoyment in the workplace. It has been shown that a person who is happy in their job is much more efficient and productive.

Therefore, we must commit to establishing a routine that motivates us, that charges us with energy every morning when we wake up.

Also Read: How To Find My Way Into The Job Market

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