Mobile SEO – More Crucial Than Ever In 2021


Seo – Correctly Optimize Mobile Websites

Smartphones and tablet PCs play a central role in many people’s lives. Smartphones are not only used privately to surf the Internet. The tablet PC functions as a mobile office, especially in professional life, and here, too, it is necessary to navigate the web. However, not every website visited using a stationary computer is just as clear on a mobile device. This can only be achieved if the content is also optimized and generated for mobile use at the same time.

By optimizing for mobile devices, the webmaster is not only doing his users a big favor. The search engines also have their SEO rules and requirements in this regard changed and tightened. For example, the user is now also shown on Google whether a view on the smartphone is recommended, i.e., whether the website has also been optimized for mobile devices. When it comes to the SEO measures that should be taken for a successful website, the topic of mobile use must no longer be left out for various reasons.

Create Your Mobile Version Of The Website

There are now various approaches to counter the new challenge of using websites on mobile devices. One of them is to create the website twice. This can then also be a mobile page. It is also good if the user can switch back to the standard page on their smartphone if necessary.

Mobile Seo – Use External Plugins For The Mobile View

Programming skills are required to create a mobile version of a website unless a web construction kit is used to make it. But there is also another way and entirely without programming knowledge. Anyone who runs a blog or has implemented their website using a CMS such as WordPress can also use the various SEO plugins to offer a mobile display. There are external modules here that display the blog in the appropriate view for mobile devices if required. Anyone who opts for this variant firstly does not need any specialist knowledge and, secondly, adheres to the SEO guidelines of the search engines and thirdly, smartphone and tablet users include their target group.

Mobile Seo: Use Responsive Designs

A third possibility for the mobile optimization of websites is responsive web design. The basis for the different display requirements is created right from the start. The web design is given various options by using small CSS scripts, which can be generated with the appropriate tools without specialist knowledge. The website then automatically knows whether it is being displayed on a mobile device or the computer.

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