Is It Possible To Launch An E-commerce Store In 10 Weeks?


For several years now, electronic commerce has been one of the fastest-growing sectors and the most dynamic of the economy. A sector, moreover, that during this COVID-19 crisis has proven to be a real lifeline for many companies, which were forced to close their physical spaces due to the State of Alarm.

The electronic commerce sector requires permanent training to adapt to the changes and innovations that arise every day. For this reason, ISDI has decided to launch the ” Ecommerce Activation Program “, an online training program designed so that people with an entrepreneurial attitude or the desire to specialize in this field acquire a practical vision of e-commerce and be able to launch their online store.

What can you learn?

Through 100 hours of synchronous master classes, digital pills, tutorials, and practical workshops, you will acquire skills throughout the business chain, from the construction and design of the store, investment in digital marketing campaigns, and analysis and decision making. Data-driven decisions to optimize sales. That is prototyping, dropshipping, analytics, data-driven decision making, Google and Facebook Ads.

You will develop all that experience working in a group through agile methodologies. At the end of the program, you will have gathered the tools, knowledge and experience necessary to continue with the project or launch your store on the Internet. Thus, you will be able to learn the basic principles of ecommerce and digital business to launch an online store in just ten weeks.


The training methodology will be 100% online, distributed in the following ways:

  • Live interactive sessions (Learn the concepts): During the synchronous, interactive and real-time classes, you will acquire the knowledge and digital skills necessary to launch your e-commerce. These classes are complemented by additional webinars, podcasts, and reading materials to provide the student with a deeper insight into crucial knowledge.
  • Practical online workshops (Managing the tools): 100% practical classes with which you will end up mastering ecommerce tools while perfecting the rest of your digital skills.
  • Mentoring (Practice implementing and iterating): Group works in virtual rooms mentored by expert tutors in which the lessons learned from classes, workshops and webinars are applied to the design, development, launch, investment and optimization of e-commerce. A tutor will guide each team on their journey to success in a dynamic of sprints and agile methodologies, in an interactive learning model and learning by doing.
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