How To Improve Our Search Engine Rankings


Are you looking to know how web positioning in search engines really works? Or maybe you want to know how to position your website effectively? The truth is that any website can compete and achieve good search engine rankings.

Of course, as long as the web crawlers of the different search engines can read your site and index it . It does not matter if they are corporate websites, online stores, blogs or other types of pages.

Search engine optimization is achieved by operating the web and optimizing search engines . This optimization helps to increase the visibility of the website in the results pages ( SERP ) of the different search engines.

That is why when we talk about search engine optimization we mean optimizing a web page and turning it into something functional that search engines can index or read better than other pages. That way, if your page is well optimized, it will be able to appear in better positions than the pages of your competition.

How does search engine optimization work?

For a good SEO strategy , the key is to provide in a comprehensive, yet accurate and easy to understand way, the information that users are looking for on the page.

The Internet is similar to a huge digital library where web pages are stored instead of books. And, the search engines act as the librarians of this immense library.

When a query is made, the search engine will scan all the pages in its index, to display the most relevant results.

To perform this search, it uses what are known as algorithms that take into account different factors (that no one fully knows) to decide which is the most appropriate result for the user’s query.

In this way, search engines make the decision about which web page to show first according to their quality criteria, in order to offer the best experience to the person who performs a search.

Also Read: SEO: Advantages For SMEs

7 determining factors in web positioning

There are many factors involved in good web positioning , but a good SEO strategy can be classified into two main types: SEO OnPage and SEO OffPage .

The SEO OnPage , includes all the actions that are in our hands, and that we can carry out ourselves in order to optimize our website .

SEO OffPage refers to those that depend on the external environment of the site and that is not in our hands directly.

However, there are factors ( OnPage and OffPage ) that we can manage in order to improve the search engine positioning of our website. Let’s see some of them:

URL, an essential factor for good web positioning

The URL is the address that users will use to search for and access your website. It must be short but descriptive of the content of the page consulted and must be “friendly”; this is achieved by using words related to the content and avoiding the use of variables or alphanumeric code. It is also recommended that the URLs contain the main keyword of the page or keyword .

Title tags

The title tag is the title with which websites appear in search engine results pages ( SERPs ). It is the header where we click to access the content. It must be similar to the URL , short but relevant, it must contain the keyword or keyword and preferably at the beginning. It is also important to include the name of your brand or website.

Content, the king of search engine optimization

Content is perhaps the most important factor for SEO in most cases. At the end of the day, nothing we do will matter if we don’t generate good search engine optimized content.

But, to achieve optimized content , you need to really satisfy the search need of the users. Emphasis must be placed on answering their questions accurately and clearly.


Keywords are a basic element in SEO optimization . The keyword describes the search term for which we are most interested in positioning the page of a website. We should not use the same keyword to position different pages since they would compete for the same criteria and that is not positive. A good selection of keywords is decisive for the search engine positioning of our website.

Images for better search engine rankings

Images help capture the attention of users visually enriching the site and influencing the time spent on the web page . They must be well optimized (not “weighing” much) and related to the theme of the website.

Usability and loading time

These are two increasingly important elements when it comes to optimizing the search engine presence of our website. That the content of the site loads quickly and does not waste our time is as important as its usability ; that is, that the web page is easy to navigate, without complicated processes that prevent simple and intuitive use.

SEO off page, link building

As simple as it is important, it consists of obtaining external links from other relevant pages in order to increase the importance of the domain of our website. That is, other pages include links to our website.

At this point the most important thing is the quality of the links that are achieved. The more important the site that links to us, the more positive that link will be for our Link Building strategy .

Positioning brings results

The search engine optimization process of our website is similar to cultivating a garden, it will not bring immediate results, but with due care and the necessary time you will be able to obtain great satisfaction and reap the best results as a result of your effort.

Also Read: SEO: Tags In Search Engine Optimization

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