Chatbot On WhatsApp, How Does It Work?


WhatsApp is an instant messaging application that offers multiple benefits to your business. Not surprisingly, we are talking about one of the best communication channels with users and customers. But have you heard about WhatsApp chatbot ? In the following lines we will tell you what it is and how it works.

WhatsApp Business is the platform that, for a few years, has been exclusively indicated for businesses and companies. A platform that you can use in multiple ways and with various functions to increase the performance of your business by improving the customer service department.

What is a chatbot?

A chatbot can be defined as a virtual assistant that communicates with users through text messages. Its main function is to talk with users to answer questions, present services and products, answer questions, etc. The idea is that there is no physical person answering, but that everything is done through this virtual assistant . But, what does a WhatsApp chatbot consist of then?

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How does a chatbot work on WhatsApp?

The operation of a chatbot in this instant messaging application is very simple. The user accesses the chat and starts the interaction with the virtual assistant. The chatbot then responds based on what the user asks, either using predefined answers or conversational AI.

Typically, the helper bot relies on a series of algorithms to determine the topic of conversation and respond appropriately and directly. The objective will always be to try to solve the doubts of the users.

What benefits does it have for your business?

The WhatsApp messaging application has more than 2 billion users worldwide . Actually, being able to reach such a wide audience, the benefits of having a WhatsApp chatbot for your business are self-explanatory.

Attention and quick response

A chatbot provides users and customers with quick attention and response . Keep in mind that other communication channels do not offer such an immediate response, so the experience and customer service is not as direct. In addition, this saves time for the users themselves, since they do not have to browse the web looking for answers, but instead the chatbot solves all the doubts.

Economic savings

A WhatsApp chatbot is the ideal option if what you want is to offer the best customer service for a minimum price. You will be able to offer users this service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without them having to wait for a long time for a response. In turn, you will be able to optimize resources regardless of the size of your sales area. Your business will be much more efficient in every way.

It goes without saying that automation always represents a significant cost reduction , since it will not be necessary to invest in personnel for customer service and training.

Collect data to improve customer service

Finally, the WhatsApp chatbot is capable of collecting information to optimize business resources . These virtual assistants recognize the most common conversations they have with customers and what questions they have resolved. Based on this data, they can prepare reports that allow your company to improve the relationship with users, recognize which resources can be strengthened and which errors to correct.

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