Four Ideas To Motivate Your Employees In The Short Term


Loss of motivation in the team? It’s in the air and it goes beyond your business. But this is not a reason to give up (also!) the arms! The time may have come to interest them in the results, to rethink their workplace, to offer gift bonuses… or even to make them think.

Interest them in the results of the company


Starting by carefully reading the sheets made available by the Ministry of Labor , to understand what it is all about. To put it simply, there is no obligation for the manager of a VSE or SME with less than 50 employees to pay them a profit, but he can freely choose to give them a bonus linked to a strategic and stimulating objective, not necessarily linked to turnover. For example, improving delivery times or winning new customers. All employees, even part-time employees, are entitled to it equally and the agreement, in the absence of union delegates and works council, must be signed collectively and for 3 years, tacitly renewable.

For what?

Because your employees will thank you for this little extra purchasing power. And this, at a lower cost: the amount paid is exempt from employer charges and deducted from the corporate tax base. And also: Because when you reach the fateful threshold of 50 employees requiring you to give them a stake, this incentive scheme will give you the right to more time to put yourself in good standing.

Give them gifts!


Nothing could be simpler and above all less expensive – compared to a bonus or a salary increase – than gift tickets. By remaining within the limits of amount and justification enshrined in the regulations , these gratuities are exempt from any social charge. The head of a company with less than 50 employees can make the decision alone. Beyond this threshold, the works council is put in the loop. And on the practical side, the providers of these prepaid titles are of course ready to make your life easier.

For what?

The amounts are significant seen from the employee (up to 163 euros per year plus the same per dependent). For the employer, they remain reasonable because of the exemptions. Above all, it is not an “acquired advantage”. The operation can therefore only be punctual, it does not commit him to anything for the future.

Also Read: 5 Ways Technology Can Improve The Employee Experience And Help Your Company Thrive

Bring color to their workplaces


By repainting the walls of offices and workshops, fresh and in bright colors, by hanging large colorful paintings on the walls, by bringing a cheerful and tangy decorative touch: desk lamps, chairs, high pottery with green plants, etc. .

For what?

Because it is proven, colors have an influence on our mood and therefore also on our motivation. Red reassures and stimulates at the same time. Orange is conducive to creativity and communication. Yellow energizes people with low activity , increases concentration and promotes effective decision-making. Green encourages communication and sociability, and in the apple version, helps to put things into perspective in the face of stress. Unless you want to appease an aggressive atmosphere, avoid the blues: they promote relaxation, of course, but also drowsiness.

Offer them weekly quarter-hour meditation


By looking among your employees for someone who already practices (millions of French people have been conquered by meditation, statistically there is necessarily a practitioner in your team) and by offering to lead this activity during their working hours, reason, for example, for a quarter of an hour once or twice a week: that is enough. Otherwise, a motivated employee can stick to it with the help of the many guided meditation applications available today on smartphones.

For what?

Because during this short quarter of an hour, practitioners will clear their heads of all negative thoughts, including those that demotivate them. Because the place thus made in their minds strengthens their creativity and their memory. Because they will come out happy and benevolent towards others and they will then be a driving force for more team cohesion and positive thoughts!

Also Read: Guide To Employee Productivity And Process Optimization

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