Five Simple Ways To Create A Close-Knit Clan


For a lot of people, gaming is a way of life. Having a group of people with whom you ‘meet up’ regularly and play the same games, which you feel part of is vital. Continue reading for five simple ways that you can help your clan to feel more close-knit.

1. Name Your Clan And Design A Logo

Coming up with a name for your clan gives you all an identity, a sense of belonging. Choosing a name that encompasses your vibe as a team is vital. It will also probably relate to the genre of game you play the most. For example, for fighting games, you could choose to use the name of a famous, fearsome warrior such as Beowulf. If you prefer to play Pokémon, it is likely to be a name created by combining two or more words, as some of the characters are. Once you have unanimously decided upon a name, consider designing a logo to go along with it. There are free logo creators online. However, for something completely unique, one of your clan members may be able to help you out.

2. Create Themed Nicknames

Identity is key when it comes to creating a successful group. For a long time, designating people nicknames has been a practice associated with belonging. Linking these names to your clan’s name is a great idea. However, this is not vital. It can be fun though!

3. Consider Clan Clothing

When your clan has been established for a significant period of time, it may be worth discussing whether or not you could invest in some clothing. This can not only look cool and promote conversation when you are out and about, but it can also add to feeling that sense of belonging again. A custom jersey maker means you can choose each element of the design and color scheme, ensuring your clothing is fit for purpose and meets your expectations. From hoodies to sweaters, t-shirts to caps, there is something for everyone. You may even wish to have a bag made with your clan logo and name on it.

4. Keep In Touch With Everyone

In whatever type of world you have immersed yourself in, feeling left out can be hurtful. If you discover that the other members of your clan have been playing a certain game without you, this can leave a bad taste in your mouth. Having a WhatsApp group or even one a Facebook messenger can mean that no one is accidentally forgotten about. Everyone will receive the same information at the same time. It is also useful to use something like this as a medium for contact should someone’s internet connection stop working, for example.

5. Group Video Chats

As well as regular text chats, video chats can be useful for staying in touch too. Clan meetings can be held this way, and organizing things can be easier if everyone is there simultaneously. Of course, it can get noisy, so be sure to use a platform where the host can mute at his will. WhatsApp video calls can be used for up to eight people, so if you have a small clan, this is a possibility.

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