Five Basic Tips To Optimize The Reading Of Emails On Mobile


50% of the emails that users receive are opened on mobile devices. Thus, adapting campaigns for this medium has become a real challenge for brands. Today, email is one of the main sources of traffic for e-commerce pages, essentially due to the ROI offered by this channel.

For this reason, Validity, a recognized brand in quality of customer data, has drawn up a list of the specific measures that companies can adopt to differentiate themselves from their competition and optimize the performance of their campaigns.

1. Identify The Recipient’s Habits

First, an effective mobile strategy must take into account a number of technical and contextual parameters. The better the purpose and limitations of the user are known, the more likely it is to provide relevant content at the right time.

Therefore, it is essential to identify the operating system you use (iOS, Android, etc.), the preferred reading platform (webmail or application, Gmail or Outlook, etc.), the environment for opening the message (in-store, at home, near a point of sale, etc.) or the best time to receive the email.

2. Be At The Forefront Of Innovation

The mobile offers the possibility of integrating differentiating elements in the emails, such as videos or QR codes in a simple way, which are usually used to avoid physical copies of sales tickets, discount coupons, or loyalty cards.

3. Facilitate The Identification Of The Sender

The restrictions on reading an email on a mobile device, which increase the risks for brands associated with phishing (brand identity theft), make quick and easy identification of senders more important.

Technologies such as BIMI already allow the advertiser’s logo to be displayed directly in the Yahoo inbox, and will soon do so in Gmail as well, making it easier for the recipient to identify the sender.

4. Optimize Mail Loading Time

The appearance of the email is paramount, but it is recommended to use clear HD images to avoid slowing down the loading time of the email content. Anticipating potential external constraints, such as the recipient’s viewing environment or coverage, and taking them into account is also critical to ensuring minimal upload time (less than 100KB is optimal), even under less favorable circumstances.

5. Take Care Of The Visualization

Advertisers must ensure that the creative works regardless of the type of device, operating system, or mail application used.

Therefore, it is necessary to test the display of animated gifs, relatively long (scrolling) emails, and emoji subjects in several different environments (webmail, apps, email software) and on various devices (tablets, mobiles, etc.), even with the iPhone’s dark mode.

To improve readability and customer engagement, integrating image carousels and interactive forms into the mail are good alternatives.

To maximize conversion rates, brands must minimize the path to the customer, allowing one-click access to purchases. For this, optimizing the reading of emails on the mobile is essential, as well as knowing the audience, their consumption habits, and the terminal they use to view the email so that the strategy can be adapted to each case. Email continues to be a true generator of value and its constant evolution requires a solid strategy to be able to exploit its full potential.

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