The Employment Agency: How They Work And How To Apply


Have you been looking for a job for some time and still haven’t gotten any positive feedback? Relying on the job agency and applying is simple! In this article, we see all the steps necessary to send your application.

Application through a job agency

Looking for work through an employment agency is one of the best ways to find a job. The that you can acquire is many, which ones? The first is undoubtedly about saving time, and then you can save energy and hours of online research because the employment agency will carry out all this research phase. To ensure that the process is successful, it is essential to know how the employment agency works. Usually, an employment agency such as the well-known Etjca works on behalf of companies with no internal personnel search and selection office. For this reason, they turn to external recruiting agencies that will operate the search and selection process for their account.

The employment agency draws from its database and selects the professional figures it deems relevant, those that largely reflect the requirements of the company calls them for a first job interview and, if it believes the candidates suitable, transfers the names to the company that will decide whether to carry out a further discussion.

The company evaluates the candidates but does not bear the burden of selecting the curriculum, which is carried out in a preventive manner by the Employment Agency. Employers only receive candidates who are already profiled and suitable for specific roles for an interview.

That’s why providing a self-application to the Employment Agency of the area in which you want to work is an excellent opportunity to find a job, because it means having indirect access to a wide range of offers. Of course, as the last word to the company, the candidate will find himself facing several stages of the interview, but avoid waste of energy in finding a job because it will be the agency for work to assess the opportunities for better jobs.

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First, before understanding how to apply, let’s see what the job agency does.

The employment agency, also known as the internal agency, deals with searching and selecting personnel for companies without recruiting offices. The proposed service is twofold and is aimed at companies looking for workers and graduates or graduates looking for work. It works like this: the best candidate is presented to the company requesting a workforce, and to the candidates, who have sent their CVs, the companies in line with their profile will be proposed. Following are:

  • Individual interviews
  • A balance of skills
  • In-depth dossiers
  • Coaching with specialized recruiters to identify market trends

The employment agency offers itself to two publics, individuals and companies.

  • For private individuals, it carries out: Inclusion of profiled CVs in your database.
  • And it provides: Possibility of holding professional interviews for entering the job market.
  • For companies, it carries out: The total customization of the service is based on the real needs of the company.
  • And it provides: Timeliness of intervention and guarantee, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, thanks to the work of human resources specialists and an optimized and performing recruitment process.

Applying to the employment agency – how does it work?

To access the services that a job agency can offer, registration is neither required nor a standard procedure that is the same for all realities. The employment agency carries out an intermediation activity as the employment centers do, but, unlike these, they do not proceed according to protocols focused on a predefined process (registration-interview-signing of the service agreement ). On the contrary, all their activities start from the requests of client companies. Their placement activities start from a concrete entrepreneurial need that guides the search for applications, selection, and evaluation of the profiles to the client company.

You may have sent your CV online or in person. Both methods are valid for the selection. Let’s see below how the registration takes place and all the steps that generally the branches of the employment agency carry out.

  • They proceed with the first contact with people looking for work,
  • Collect their resumes,
  • Proceed with the pre-selection for the establishment of specific databases in which all the applications are entered.

On the employment agency side, generally during the first reception phase, the workers are welcomed and informed of the activities of the employment agencies, followed by the insertion of personal data and curriculum vitae in a database and a subsequent phase, the pre-selection interview. When the profile is deemed suitable concerning open searches, the candidate is presented to the company or included in an ad hoc training course.

On the company side, when the application is deemed to be in line with one’s needs, a cognitive interview is proposed, followed by signing a leasing contract that can be full-time or fixed-time.

How to choose the right job agency?

The objective of the employment agency is to place the individual worker in the company with a vacant position. Research and selection start from a substantial interest in a company. Starting from this assumption, it is advisable to choose the agency to apply to based on the research open and suitable for your profile. You can locate advertisements both on the windows of employment agencies and their websites that you need to access via login. Once logged in, you can consult a list of open positions in the various regions, divided by sectors and roles. It is advisable to apply and then contact the employment agency that presents available research consistent with your professional profile and job expectations.

Once the suitable position has been identified, you must go to the branch with your updated curriculum vitae and a cover letter. This allows the candidate a greater chance of being selected because it allows a pre-finalization of the search and success.

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