Do You Know The Figure Of A Business Developer?


The figure of the Business Developer is responsible for managing the growth of the company in the short and long term. To do this, it will focus on new business models that bring benefits to the company.

It has great implications for the levels of efficiency and adaptability of the team itself to the different variants of customers and markets.

What is the role of the Business Developer?

A good Business Developer plays different roles. But the main one consists of looking for business opportunities based on the development of a commercial strategy both in the long and short term. The purpose is to gain access to different markets and customers with the assets that the company has.

You must also perform a technical-commercial role that allows you to promote commercial relations and negotiate new agreements. For this, it will have a team that performs the most technical tasks.

Finally, it will execute its controller role in order to guarantee the smooth running of all operations. You have to control and ensure that the plans are developed as planned and that the expected added value is generated. All this, without neglecting the company’s large customers

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Main tasks of a Business Developer

As we have commented before, the roles vary, depending on the phase in which we find ourselves.

The first mission is to develop a strategy , since it is the basis of any business plan. For this, an exhaustive study of the markets that you want to access must have been carried out, since market niches are going to be attacked to generate long-term value. This information is extracted from research based on meetings with potential customers to whom you present your service or product.

Throughout his career, the Business Developer will participate in areas such as commercial, legal, marketing, administrative and financial departments, in which he must highlight his added value as an engine of innovation within the company.

From his position, he must know the needs of his company, its financial status, its products, production capacities, its clients and its employees. With this information you will get an idea of ​​the internal capacities that it has.

At the same time, you must observe and study the external environment of the company to know its strength against its competitors. Thus closes a perfect SWOT analysis.

Lastly, it must focus on focusing actions on new businesses that generate value for the company.

How to be a good Business Developer?

Really, a good Business Developer Manager must have global and general knowledge of the business world. Since it has to relate to sales, commercial, marking research and product evaluation departments.

Likewise, they must be able to manage work teams that help them execute and manage projects. You will manage the proper functioning of your plan while controlling each action that composes it.

Therefore, the main attributes that a Business Developer must have are communication skills, an innovative spirit, a sense of listening and rigor, and an openness to the digital world.

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Business Developer team management

To carry out his strategy, the Business Developer has to work supported by a team . The first members that you have to convince to carry out your business strategy are the managers . You will do this with a compelling statement about the results you are aiming to achieve and how to overcome the risks and obstacles you may face.

His good communication skills will facilitate relationships with the different members of the project.

You’ll need to win over potential customers by ensuring the effectiveness of new features and services. For this, it will have the collaboration of the commercial team of the organization.

To check that the business plan is progressing properly, you’ll need to verify that everyone involved in the project is passing on the right information. Any alteration to what was planned must be immediately communicated in order to correct possible deviations from the devised plan. The Business Developer will be responsible for acting and making decisions on behalf of the company.

Finally, the culmination of a good Business Developer is to build customer loyalty and make sure that they do not leave the company. You will achieve this by cultivating a good relationship and providing them with excellent service.

With which, the qualities that a perfect Business Developer must have are having good communication skills, an innovative spirit, a sense of listening, rigor and the ability to open up the digital world.

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