Digital Marketing Basics Every Entrepreneur Should Know


Currently, any entrepreneur who wants to have an Internet presence must have knowledge about the most essential aspects of this virtual medium, something that can represent an advantage when it comes to growing your business.

These are the basic concepts of digital marketing that every entrepreneur should know.

Digital Marketing Concepts You Have To Learn

In the world of digital marketing, it is essential to know various concepts that will allow you to manage yourself properly on the Internet, either on social networks or on your own website.

In this sense, in case you are not an expert in the area, you can learn the 10 most essential aspects.

  1. Digital Marketing: it is all those strategies applied to a business or entrepreneurship through virtual means such as the internet.
  2. Lead: is a term that experts use to refer to users who enter your website and register with it. In addition, it is considered a potential client who provides the company with their contact information, whether to receive offers, make a future purchase, or others.
  3. Buyer persona: this is the target audience, the profile of this will be the representation of the client to whom the content of your publications is directed.
  4. Content Marketing: These are the strategies that focus on uploading material and information directed to the Buyer person, with the intention of making sales and interacting with your audience.
  5. SEO: it is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization and as its name suggests, it is about optimizing the site for search engines with the intention of positioning it in the first place.
  6. SEM: is the abbreviated term for Search Engine Marketing and unlike SEO, they are paid ad campaigns within search engines.
  7. Inbound Marketing: These are all those strategies that allow you to attract new users and convert them into customers of your company.
  8. Funnel: known colloquially as a sales funnel, it is the technique that is applied to convert a potential customer into a buyer when completing the transaction.
  9. KPIs: is the abbreviation of the term Key Performance Indicators and they are the key indicators that mark the effectiveness of marketing strategies in achieving objectives, based on numbers of visits, clicks, and more.
  10. CTA: is the acronym for “Call to Action” or call to action and is basically a button that draws the user’s attention in regular content to access better offers.

Although there are many concepts that you should know, these are some of the most basic that will undoubtedly help you get started in the world of digital marketing.

Also Read: 7 Ways Social Media Is Changing The World

Differences between SEO and SEM

A fundamental aspect of digital marketing is to recognize the differences between SEO and SEM since this will make it easier for you to understand how your website works and the strategies that are put in place within it.

SEO focuses on improving organic traffic and the natural visibility of your website within search engines; while SEM works through advertising campaigns with paid search engine ads.

In this sense, within the SEM the advertiser must pay with each click of the user on his ad and this allows the site to appear in the first results of search engines, positions that are usually destined for that purpose.

Although you may think that SEO is a more useful tool, especially for savings, SEM can generate greater benefits in the short term , since it is an immediate action. In this sense, the ideal option is to turn to an expert who can combine both tools to obtain the best results.

In addition to the cost, there are other significant differences between the two terms, such as the number of keywords or keywords, the visibility, the content and the metrics applied to each one.

Both SEO and SEM require time, dedication and knowledge to generate results and it is necessary to bear in mind that these will not be immediate, but it will take a while to be able to demonstrate their effectiveness.

At this point it is convenient to add that these two terms are closely related and although they are different, one depends on the other and works better together than separately, an aspect that you should undoubtedly know and take into account within your business.

Finally, not being an expert in digital marketing does not have to be an impediment to starting your business and having a presence in the virtual world of the Internet, because with basic knowledge and the support of companies dedicated to this area you will be able to perceive in a short time the growth of your business and the success of your strategies.

Also Read: Digitizing Your Business: Why And How To Succeed?

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