Cover The Webcam And Defend Against Hackers


If you think about it, most people you know, including if you’re reading this article, spend most days with a technological device with a built-in video camera in front, in hand, or next to it. Imagine if someone could get in and spy on you, how many things they could find out about you, your life, and your work.

After more than a few cases of webcam hacking that was made public and the testimony of some famous people, the habit of shielding the cameras and cameras of PCs and smartphones have spread. Fortunately, today there are small and light camera covers that work very well and costs a few cents. Just apply one of those on your phone and computer to avoid being spied on.

Why is it important to cover the Webcam?

If you think about it, most people you know, including if you’re reading this article, spend most days with a technological device with a built-in video camera in front, in hand, or next to it. Imagine if someone could get in and spy on you, how many things they could find out about you, your life, and your work.

After more than a few cases of webcam hacking that was made public and the testimony of some famous people, the habit of shielding the cameras and cameras of PCs and smartphones have spread. Fortunately, today there are small and light camera covers that work very well and costs a few cents. Just apply one of those on your phone and computer to avoid being spied on.

Why is it important to cover the Webcam?

The subject of privacy is raised all the time and we often get advice from experts on how to protect it, however, this advice is not always put into practice. However, there is a very influential person who has unwittingly contributed to the spread of webcam covers. I’m talking about Mark Zuckerberg, the dad of Facebook. A couple of years ago a photo of him was posted in which he was enthusiastic about a milestone achieved with Instagram. In the photo, you could see that the webcam of the PC next to him was covered with a piece of adhesive tape. Seeing that photo many had thought that if Zuckerberg covered the webcam it meant that the risk of being spied on by a hacker was really there.

We know, famous people are much more at risk of being spied on because they have much more interesting secrets than ours. It must also be said, however, that these same characters have security measures at their disposal that we (ordinary people) cannot adopt. Consequently, it is easier for a hacker to spy on my computer, and probably yours, than that of the president of the United States.

That’s why everyone is right to darken their webcam. Indeed their own, because all devices are potentially at risk: smartphones, iPhones, tablets, and PCs.

How does a hacker spy on you on the Webcam

When I say hacker you don’t necessarily have to think of an absolute genius with NASA-worthy technological weaponry at his disposal. Far from it, they are often just little curious kids with a very common PC in their hands.

It is not that difficult for a computer expert to sneak into the camera of your computer or smartphone. Hackers use programs called spyware to spy on webcams and they do so by deactivating the red recording led, so the victim does not notice. Some of these programs are super easy to install but you must have access to the device. They are the ones who use jealous husbands, to understand us. Then there are others, a little more complex, which are those used by hackers and which can be installed remotely, exploiting the weaknesses of the operating system or some application.

Other tips for not being spied on your pc

The idea of ​​someone spying on us from the webcam and being able to see us, photograph us, record our talks is very disturbing, and covering the webcam is a great way to avoid it.

However, this is not the only risk. If a spy enters your webcam, they can also browse your computer and access any files you have saved. So in addition to covering the webcam with a camera cover, it is good to observe the basic safety rules on the PC :

  • Use complex and always different passwords, and maybe change them from time to time.
  • Install a good antivirus and scan your computer frequently.
  • Avoid opening emails that come from strangers and strange links.

For the smartphone, there are also applications to download that warn us if something strange happens with the webcam.

Why duct tape is not good for covering the Webcam

Covering the webcam with duct tape does not solve the problem in the first place because the tape does not completely obscure the image. Secondly, even if the tape were very opaque, it certainly wouldn’t block the audio. The spy who enters a webcam covered by duct tape can still hear, if not see at all.

Instead, there are webcam covers (also called camera covers, camera covers, webcam covers ) made specifically to protect our privacy and prevent hackers from spying on us. These webcam covers are suitable for all portable devices: they fit the webcam of the pc, the webcam of the tablet, and that of the smartphone.

The camera cover is better than adhesive tape also because it is put on and removed quickly and without leaving residues. An otherwise selfie lover, who often uses the front camera, should carry a whole roll of duct tape with them to protect themselves.

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