Coronavirus Impact On eCommerce

  • The demand for products through the Internet grows by 33.5% compared to the second half of March and sectors such as fashion and technology are recovering.
  • During the first fortnight of April there has been an increase of 33.5% in the demand for products through the Internet, compared to the last fifteen days of March. In this sense, it is being observed that consumer behavior is undergoing variations as the period of confinement passes.
  • Sectors such as technology or fashion are recovering, in the case of the latter due in large part to promotions to liquidate stock; while sectors such as pharmacy and food, which had increased considerably during the first days of this period, have moderated their growth, although maintaining data higher than previous levels. Likewise, it is expected that searches and sales will continue to grow in the coming weeks, taking as a reference what is happening in the Italian market, with the uncertainty of how the evolution of the consumer will continue.
  • During these weeks of confinement due to the situation generated by the Covid-19, eCommerce has been the alternative found by small businesses to be able to continue with part of their activity and maintain contact with their customers. This has meant the need to enhance their online services, even for some establishments it has been an opportunity to accelerate the digitization of their business.
  • The current context, in addition to producing a change in the purchasing habits of consumers, has also been a turning point in many of the small businesses when it comes to rethinking their strategies. The digital sphere and, specifically, eCommerce have become a complement to the face-to-face sales channel with which companies and consumers must coexist.

Growth By Sectors

During the first fortnight of April, there has been a sharp increase in the baby and children’s clothing sectors, increasing by 75%, and in the home and garden sector (61%). For its part, the demand for technological products and household appliances has also increased considerably (43%), as in the pharmaceutical sector (40%), in the car and motorcycle sector (37.6%), fashion (31%) ) and in games and educational material (27%).

In this same line of moderate growth, but maintaining high levels, is the sports sector, growing by 20.6%, products related to pets, 19.6%, leisure and culture, 11.6%, and food, a 3.23.


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