The cloud is enjoying increasing popularity. More and more companies are now placing part of their company activities or their entire on-premise IT infrastructure in the cloud – and thus relocating the most important and very sensitive assets to the Internet. However, to ensure that these do not fall into the wrong hands, they need to record a number of technical and strategic security measures. In our following blog post you will learn why nowadays a comprehensive and sustainable cloud security strategy with effective cloud security solutions seems to be an important part of a layered and deeper defense strategy and how you can gradually maximize your cloud protection.
Simultaneously with the emerging spread of cloud services, the number of cloud-optimized Internet attacks is also increasing. Every fourth company is now affected by cloud-optimized attacks . This is not surprising, because unlike the on-premises IT infrastructure, which secures all sorts of IT systems, endpoints, business applications as well as business data through a few security rings, the lucrative corporate resources in the clouds seem within reach for the benefit of cybercriminals to be.
For this reason, if you say cloud, you should also say cloud security.
Cloud security is considered a sub-discipline of internet security. It includes a wide range of differentiated protocols and rules that fully and effectively secures each specific component of a cloud computing environment from cloud-optimized attack techniques, data theft, human faux pas, or even the effects of data or system compromise.
The core of the security ecosystem of cloud security consists of the following categories:
Regardless of the extent to which an operation is already using a cloud service or is currently in the early stages of cloud migration, operating without an appropriate cloud security strategy is likely to lead to serious security problems.
These include, among other things
However, the biggest security risk in the cloud is the lack of a perimeter. For this reason, it is important to implement an overall cloud security strategy that secures each specific component of the cloud computing architecture.
Cloud computing is the recipe for success for the “new way of working” in companies.
However, when moving to the cloud, companies should be willing to implement a comprehensive cloud security strategy from day one.
Apart from the security measures and security tools already mentioned above, companies should
Because this is the only way they can ensure that both the personal and the legally required security requirements for availability, confidentiality and integrity of business data are also maintained in the cloud.