The Cloud Can Help (and a lot) SMEs And Freelancers


Technology is a great ally of all companies. Thanks to it, they can reach further and to more customers and increase their sales considerably. Fortunately, there are fewer and fewer barriers to entry to technology for small and medium-sized businesses, in addition to the broad pool of the self-employed or the self-employed.

One of the technologies that can mark a before and after in most businesses is cloud computing, which is nothing other than the provision of all kinds of computer services over the Internet. Servers, databases, software, analytics, artificial intelligence, networking, and storage are just a few of those services that become much more flexible and economical by dispensing expensive hardware equipment.

But the power of cloud technology extends further: it can help (and a lot) SMEs and freelancers to be more efficient, competitive, and profitable. They are the great advantages of digital transformation.

Cloud processing capacity

Cloud software is fully scalable. This means that new functionalities can be acquired (or given up) depending on our needs. In other words, it is not necessary to purchase a closed package. To this must be added the constant and transparent updates, which we will not have to install on our computers, as is the case with tools installed locally.

Greater power to sell and attract customers and professionals

The cloud offers a wide set of tools aimed at increasing sales on the Internet. And it is that electronic commerce is also very attractive for SMEs and freelancers, who will be able to offer their products and services uninterruptedly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

To this must be added the power of attraction: not only will customers show a greater interest in a brand capable of adapting to the most avant-garde challenges, but professionals in the sector will be interested in working under management that embraces technological advances without fear. Any. That is, it will help you find better candidates for the jobs in your business. And all this, thanks to the different collaboration and communication tools, which help build successful working relationships.

Security for the data you store in the cloud

One of the great advantages of the cloud is the digitization of tangible assets (servers, computer equipment) and processes (such as billing and management). The cloud represents an opportunity for SMBs and freelancers but also a security challenge.

For this reason, it offers you different backup services so that all business information is always available and recoverable in the event of disasters. All of them work automatically and safely and are good support for improving productivity and profitability. The security is maximum around cloud environments. The training you offer your workers and the adoption of tools that truly meet your company’s technological needs will take care of everything else.

Assured productivity

One of the reasons that more and more businesses are betting on the cloud is its ability to automate the most tedious and repetitive tasks. In this way, workers and managers can dedicate themselves to what matters, to the most creative tasks aimed at improving profitability.

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