Advantages And Disadvantages Of Social Networks


Have you ever created a social profile? Are you more of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Snapchat, Linked In, Pinterest, or are you more uploading videos to YouTube?

Social networks have come into our lives to stay. For many, it is a necessity, a new way of socializing, being present, and being aware of what is happening in the world. But social networks are controversial, and some defend them, and others attack and criticize them. That is why we have prepared this post, to reel off what Social Media consists of, this new form of communication, and to know the advantages and disadvantages of being interconnected through social networks.

What are Social Networks?

When we refer to social networks or social media, we are talking about broad communication structures between individuals or organizations that relate to each other on digital platforms. Today’s most important today, Twitter, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, Pinterest, or LinkedIn. These social networks form large communities that share information, images, or videos.


Born to create user stories through the photos they post every day.


It is one of the most important social networks. Here users interact through messages, there is a limit of 280 characters, and they can accompany the text with an image or video. Direct communication is established between users, and it is the public’s favorite platform to find out about current events.


It is a social network used to connect with people you know and with whom you share interests or hobbies. It is used to find all kinds of content, from current information, entertainment, job search, or meeting new people.


It has become the second most important search engine in the world, followed by Google. This social network is used to upload videos of the user.


It is the largest social network for professional purposes. It is made up of both companies and people where job offers are published, the curriculum of job seekers. It is an excellent job search channel.

Also Read: 7 Ways Social Media Is Changing The World

Advantages of social networks on a personal level

Communication and information

It allows you immediate communication with people who can be anywhere in the world. The creation of communities facilitates an exchange of information on common issues and interests.


These platforms offer information and entertainment in real-time, and you can choose who to follow to be informed of what is happening anywhere on the planet.

Job opportunities

Social networks can be the best showcase for ourselves and, therefore, for our job aspirations. Many companies search for their candidates through these platforms and inquire into the profiles of their Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook accounts to get to know them better.

Social complaints

These social networks also record social solidarity, help or denounce situations that have occurred at a given time and affect the community.

Share information and knowledge

It is interesting to share information and data that may be of help to professionals in certain disciplines.

Advantages of Social Networks for the company

Greater brand visibility

With social networks, the barriers are over. The world of the Internet is accessible to anyone and anywhere in the world.

Broadcast platform

The company’s content through social networks generates significant web traffic, which is, ultimately, the purpose of the brand.

Customer loyalty

Thanks to social networks, a follow-up of users is created and, therefore, better customer loyalty with offers and content that may interest them.

Incorporate a Blog

A good way to spread the content of that brand is to do it through a personal blog. It helps SEO positioning and engagement with users.

Measure marketing results

All engagement is achieved thanks to the likes and comments left by users on social networks. The company knows what the monitoring of its brand is in real-time. If you want to go further, to know the profile and behavior of the user who comes to our page, a good tool is Google Analytics.

Customer Support

Social networks become the advertising channel of a brand. That is why it is important to know what the community says and respond to their questions or requests. And here, the criticisms would also be included, from which no one is free. You must never ignore them and know how to face them, answering politely and providing solutions whenever possible.

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Disadvantages of social media

You have to be careful when using these platforms, from the theft of personal data, cyberbullying, fake news, or false news that circulate on the networks and that is taken for granted. you have to be careful when using these platforms!

Protect your privacy!

In general, the biggest disadvantage when talking about social networks is the lack of privacy. That is why it is essential to review the privacy settings to avoid revealing personal data that we do not want when we upload a publication. Be careful, especially with the uploaded photos and in which data such as car license plates, work, or home addresses are shown!

Personal or professional profile?

When creating a profile on the networks, do not confuse the staff with the professional. Sometimes this error of undifferentiated use is made.

Identity fraud

It usually happens with famous people, but sometimes it can happen in the professional field, and companies can be harmed. In these cases, you have to report.

Cyberbullying and Grooming

All children and minors suffer the first, and the harassment is transferred to social networks in publications with insults and threats. Grooming consists of adults posing as young people to contact minors on the networks.

Social networks addiction

A clear drawback of using the networks can come when they become an addiction and create dependency, especially among young people.

The Troll figure

The role of the Troll, who is responsible for making criticisms and comments only with the intention of annoying or provoking on social networks, is known to everyone. When using social media for commercial purposes, it is best not to follow the Troll in his comments and try to answer politely by putting an end to the discussion.

Also Read: What Is Social Media Management?

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