5 Ways To Seduce Google And Get Benefitted

Google is the search engine par excellence, for this reason, we must try to make our clients find our website on Google in the easiest way possible. For this, we must work on our SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or positioning and we must not settle for just appearing on the first page.

We must be at least in the upper third of the results, and it is best to be in number one. The first Google result in a search takes 33% of the clicks, or what is the same, the rest of the results lose a third of potential customers in each search.

Another vital function that must be carried out is to study the positioning of our competitors and look at those who perform better. If we have competitors with better results in the Google search engine, they are investing more than us in improving their SEO.

It may be that our competitors have better content on their website or the amount of content is higher, it is also possible that their website is better optimized, it may be that they are referred by more authority websites. But its triumph will never be because yes, there is always a reason behind it and if we want to get to where our competitors are and overcome them, we just have to work hard and invest more time in investigating and improving what we lack.

Also Read: 15 Best SEO Tools For An On-Page Optimization

1. The speed of the page

At this point in which we are all consumers of online stores and web pages, it is incredible how little importance some give to loading speed. Speed ​​is one of the main factors in Google positioning and conversions (information requests, online purchases, etc.). If your website takes time to load, you are losing users and possible conversions.

Google has long since published that more than half of visitors to a mobile website (which are the devices from which the majority of visits to a website occur) leave it if it does not load in less than three seconds, and rarely they will consider visiting her again.

If your website is slow and you don’t know how to identify the reason, we give you a list of main factors:

  • A hosting without sufficient resources for the needs of the web
  • An excess of installed plugins
  • A poorly optimized WordPress template or not suitable for SEO.

2. Create regular and quality content

As we have already said on other occasions, the content of the web is the most important factor. It should be clear and concise without overdoing it. It must be relevant to the user and meet their expectations. But that is not enough, it is useless to have good content if you do not update it and generate new content. periodically as it can be with a blog.

We have already seen in previous posts one of the metrics that Google values ​​the most is the time spent on the web page, the number of page views per session and recurring visits, and generating quality content periodically improves those metrics.

When a user sees interesting content on your website, he will stop to read it and this is time that we are winning, while he is reading that content he may see some call-to-action that interests him and go to another page .. it is likely that The user does not make any conversion the first time but the web will already be left in his memory for possible conversions and on another occasion, he returns, generating a recurring view.

Also Read: Eight Tricks To Improve Local SEO

3. Optimize images

There are very common errors such as the size of the images, when we upload an image to a website we should not simply upload it, we must optimize it.

We often find on web pages images that exceed 3,000px in width with a result of 300px per inch when on a webpage, 1920 or 1000 pixels wide (depending on whether they occupy the entire page or are smaller) and 72 pixels per inch. resolution is sufficient.

Another important point with images is to also optimize the file size, this is something that can be done with photoshop and illustrator but there are online tools that also offer good results such as or

In addition, the use of images must be intelligent, in strategic places without reloading the page. Let’s not forget that sometimes very attractive effects can be achieved with the use of colors and fonts. The ideal weight is that the file does not exceed 200KB. The SEO Yoast plugin offers more information on its website to optimize images.

4. Content reference

We see Google taking many things into account, but one of them is that the contents of a website are endorsed by reliable external references. We can achieve this in posts with external links citing news or articles. It is also advisable to cite other pages on your website, the example can also be seen in the posts putting a »may also interest you… and the link to another post in the same category»

The reference to external sources should never be using a copy of its content, even if it is in quotation marks, as we would do in a written document since Google understands it as plagiarism and can penalize us not only that content but the entire web. On the internet, the references have to be through a link so that the user can visit the source directly without having to cite it.

Also Read: What Does SEO Mean And Why Should I Care?

5. Add multimedia content

Multimedia content is a great ally if we want to seduce Google, images and texts are necessary but, for example, videos give the touch that differentiates you from the competition. Ideally, the videos should be your own, but they can also be embedded from Google if they express well what we want to convey. We can also include slide shows, audio… it depends on what the business is and what element best suits the content.

It has been shown that on the pages where there are multimedia elements the bounce rate has decreased rebound (the abandonment of the web without making any interaction -not even sliding the page down-, very common since there are so many options available and not find instantly what you are looking for) this is because the user sees a lot of attractive content and clicks on what interests him the most and increases the time of permanence.

As a consequence of this improvement in the user experience, users are also more likely to dig deeper into the page and want to discover what else the web has to offer on other pages, increasing the page views per session, another metric that, as we have That said, it also has great importance for Google.


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