5 Tips To Make Your Resume More Attractive


You have the requisite training, knowledge, and a good handful of transversal skills that you know, any recruiter would appreciate. However, no matter how much you sign up for job offers, the call never comes. You know why? Your resume is not attractive and gets lost in the crowd.

Do you want to know the keys to make your CV the most attractive? Stay to find out.

Let’s play at putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes. You work as a recruiter for a large company and you must hire the right person. You analyze and determine the needs of the job position to be filled, establish a list of basic skills and abilities and open the selection process. Soon your job offer begins to receive applications and your email is filled with resume. Think about it, what things would make any of these documents stand out above the rest, grab your attention and be an original resume?

5 keys to making your resume more attractive

Adapt your CV to the position you are applying for

No more presenting the same resume in all the job offers you come across. Each company has certain needs and, therefore, for each selection process, you must present your application in a different way.

Do some research on the company, go to its website, check its social networks, and know, as far as possible, the specific needs of the position being offered.

Do you think the resume of the graphic designer of a serious law firm and that of a toy store should look the same? With this example it seems clear that the answer is no, however, it is not only a question of aesthetics, the content must also be adapted. Do not highlight skills or work experiences on your resume that are irrelevant to the position.

Be original without giving up your style

Having an original and impactful CV will help you differentiate yourself from the rest, but you should not project a brand image that does not suit you or the way you work.

An attractive and current design will provide differentiation and originality to your resume. If you have no notions of design and are unemployed, you can take advantage of the great solidarity initiative that various graphic design professionals have launched through Instagram in which They offer their services for free.

Remember also that there are different types of resumes and in various formats. The online curriculum has won integers and we recommend that you have your data for consultation on the network. We direct you to this article with various tools and possible locations to develop your digital resume

If you don’t feel capable of developing an original resume yourself, don’t worry, there are free, downloadable resume templates. With them it will be easier, you will only have to fill them in.

Also Read: The Global Revolution In Training And Employment

Show your skills

There is no second chance for a first impression, so show yourself right from the start. If in the professional skills section you state that you are a creative person, show creativity. If you claim to have digital skills, offer them a link to your digital resume.

Provide figures that support your skills and support your work. With this, you will also demonstrate that your work is based on real objectives, something that all companies value.

Provide relevant information

Do not limit yourself to compiling a list of certificates and job positions, go a little further and inform your recruiter, in a summarized way, of the skills acquired in that training or in that position you have held. In this way demonstrate your skills and indicate how they will help you for the vacancy of your company. For example, that year of experience as a salesperson may have endowed you with very good communication or time management skills. Recruiters know how to read those things between the lines, but if you tell them, your resume will score a lot of points.

Take care of the details

What happens when you put your name on Google? Do you have your public social networks? The recruiter will most likely look for your fingerprint and land on them. Take care of your professional image on the Internet and do not allow it to contradict your resume. Having different profiles for your professional social networks is also an option. In addition to your Facebook username, we recommend a professional page. In it you can touch on topics related to your profession and even show your work. Likewise, on Instagram or Twitter, you can configure a modern and attractive user based on your preferences regarding the way you do your job.

Bonus tip: put what’s important upfront

Recruiting experts say it takes as little as six seconds to decide to delve into an applicant’s resume or, conversely, discard it. This is why you should indicate the key requirements of the offer in the header. You can do it, for example, through two columns; one for training and personal data and another for related experience. The latter, always in chronological order and from the most current backward.

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