The successful integration of new workers into the company requires a well thought-out approach on the part of managers. One aspect in particular is the focus of onboarding: the sharing of knowledge. The new employees should be given an understanding of all the relevant aspects of their tasks and the corporate philosophy – ideally in some cases even before they start work. Below I provide you with proven tips for a smooth onboarding process.
1. Start before the start of the employment relationship
Successful onboarding of new employees does not just start on day one of the employment relationship. Ideally, the employer will repeatedly seek contact with the new employee one to two weeks in advance (in no case every day) . On the one hand, to provide them with information that is relevant for their first day at work and, on the other hand, to position themselves as an attractive, interested and future-proof employer.
2. Share knowledge in a meaningful way
The know-how that is to be made accessible to new employees is not limited to pure specialist knowledge. Above all, information about the corporate culture and the various (digital) tools used for project management and communication within the company are extremely relevant.
What is customary in the company? Who is responsible for what and which authority can help if you don’t find your way around? How does the project management software work? Where is important information collected and processed? Where do I post interesting and technically relevant content?
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3. Avoid over- and under-challenging
It is not expedient to overwhelm new employees with information in the first week of work that is not yet relevant in the course of the entry phase. However, if too little new content is conveyed, there may be a risk that the newcomers will feel useless or underchallenged if they are initially only allowed to listen to other colleagues and superiors or look over their shoulders.
It is important to challenge new specialists – without over- or under-challenging them . This can prevent new talent from looking for another job during the probationary period.
Employers who strike this golden mean also manage to underpin their own expertise in this area. Employers who make the onboarding process both challenging and exciting and thus make newcomers feel involved, supported and never feel redundant have a good chance of attracting loyal professionals.
In order to achieve this, it is advisable to consult those who have gone through the process themselves not so long ago. Managers should take the onboarding experiences of existing employees as a guide and constantly adapt the process and use opportunities for improvement.
4. Involve relevant parties in a targeted manner
The well-integrated, experienced and helpful colleagues are your gold mines, so to speak, throughout the entire process. They make a significant contribution to a positive image of the employer brand. In addition, they are the part of the company that sets a good example. After all, it is precisely these colleagues who have already successfully completed the onboarding process and are now motivated and productive “on board” the company.
Ideally, they pass on their specialist knowledge and in-house know-how that they have gained during their time in the company directly to new colleagues. A declared goal of the onboarding process is the retention of loyal employees who have shaped the company over the years. Technically experienced and helpful colleagues are able to pull new employees along by inspiring trust and radiating competence.
If this trust between new and existing employees develops, tight-knit teams are formed. Because teams whose members treat each other with trust and appreciation and share their hard and soft skills are crucial for the company’s success.
5. Provide orientation and good facilities on site
It is worth taking a tour of the company on the first day, so that new employees can get an impression of the workplace and also get to know their colleagues, including those from outside the department. Newcomers should be given the feeling that they will not only find answers to their questions within the team to which they now belong, but that they will be supported from all sides .
Successful onboarding processes begin even before new employees start work. The managers and also the existing workforce play a major role in onboarding, because on the one hand they are available to answer the newcomers’ questions and on the other hand they ensure trusting, appreciative interaction in the company. In addition, software for knowledge and project management and a well-equipped office contribute to the successful entry of new team members.
Also Read: Onboarding New Employees: 3 Steps You Should Take To Heart As A Manager