4 Technologies To Improve Your Roofing Business


In today’s world, which focuses on productivity and accuracy, technological developments are critical for businesses to remain relevant and competitive. Technology isn’t limited to gadgets that make consumers’ lives easier. It extends to tools and software that can boost the productivity of businesses and their workers.

The roofing business is a very demanding sector. Over the last several years, the gradual rebound of the real estate industry has helped roofing businesses by boosting demand for their services. Moreover, companies in the industry have benefited greatly from the rapid expansion of new real estate development, which has seen the demand for roofing contractors rise.

Because of this demand, roofing businesses are discovering several opportunities to continually adapt technology to increase efficiency and help their employees function more smoothly. This includes technology that can help price a roofing job, which can be highly complex given that every job is unique. This enables businesses to provide a superior service and acquire new consumers more quickly than before. Here are a few more technologies that may aid in improving a roofing business.

1. Time tracking software

Effective employee time monitoring is critical for the efficient running of a firm. Apart from assisting management in knowing how workers function, the increased control of employee processes may empower individuals, which can, in turn, be beneficial for the business.

Maintaining these advantages without jeopardizing employee safety is doable with an efficient time tracking software solution. These solutions are offered as online applications that workers may use through internet-connected gadgets and applications. Fortunately, many companies, such as Jobber can offer these kinds of specialized solutions.

Such online time tracking applications may be implemented quickly and easily. Workers may track their hours as soon as the solutions are set up, which is usually within a couple of days. With time tracking software, employees are unlikely to cheat on their time sheets as they won’t have the option to ask a coworker to time in or out for them. Also, some of these applications include GPS tracking, which displays the worker’s location at the moment of clocking in and out, hence decreasing the possibility of time theft.

2. Customer relationship management software

Customers are critical in every service sector. When firms begin to expand, monitoring clients becomes more challenging. Luckily, there are now customer relationship management (CRM) tools dedicated to tracking and managing customer relationships.

CRM is a wonderful tool for businesses to enhance customer satisfaction and improve their productivity and profitability. It enables companies to develop relationships with their clients, which results in increased customer loyalty. Because customer loyalty is a great factor in a firm’s revenue, CRM is a management approach that leads to greater profitability. Moreover, it delivers a straightforward solution for data collection, which enables organizations to scale their engagement and communication with consumers.

CRM is available in several solutions and, hence, can be tailored for practically any kind of company. Roofing firms may use CRM tools to track the number of tasks as well as their progress. Also, this technology may aid in estimating expenses related to any task and the number of clients served.

3. Aerial imaging

Advancements in aerial photography are the new game-changers in the roofing technology industry. Aerial photography enables the creation of property measuring reports that aid roofing businesses in their construction by delivering comprehensive 3D blueprints of a project.

Moreover, by using aerial imaging, residential and commercial roofing contractors may be able to accomplish the following:

  • Gain a stronger understanding of the risks associated with roof layouts
  • Achieve more precise material ordering
  • Improve production planning
  • Boost profits through time efficiency

Furthermore, roofing contractors will better understand the job at hand as image quality improves due to advances in this technology. Smaller roofing businesses may also be able to create high-resolution photographs as drone technology opens up the field of aerial photography to everyone.

4. Building information modeling

Building information modeling (BIM) is a tool for producing a virtual image of a physical structure through the use of computer programming. This tool aids roofers in assessing a project before they begin to work on it. Such computerized programming enables contractors to make accurate decisions throughout the building process. It assists in providing information on cost and schedule, thus ensuring projects are completed on time.

Once the project is built, these BIM applications may provide prompt maintenance and servicing notifications and schedules. They also include projected budgets for facility maintenance expenses. This technology is important for roofing businesses that work with other builders to construct new structures.


New developments in roofing technology have a favorable impact on the market. As new technologies evolve, roofers should stay ahead of the curve, integrating new technology into their best practices. By incorporating technology that enhances your business processes, you can ensure to stay ahead of the competition and continue to excite clients.

Also Read: Emerging Technologies That Will Shape Logistics Management

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